Diagnostik- & Forschungs- (D&F) Institut für Pathologie

The institute pathologists examine material from biopsies and operations with a focus on the following clinical issues:

  • Exact diagnosis and classification of pathological change
  • Estimation of prognosis and risk of disease (especially important with tumors)

Assessment of tissue removed by pathologists is integral to efficient and targeted treatment or appropriate follow-up treatment after its surgical removal. Pathology reports provide the foundation for clinical diagnostics and therapy.

Medical office – Telephone center

Information about results: Mon.- Fri.: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM 
T: +43 316 385 71764
F: +43 316 385 79000



Diagnostik Pathologie

Field of activity

Using rapid cut diagnostics, pathologists make a diagnosis during an ongoing operation (within a few minutes) that directly influences the course of the surgical procedure (e.g., treatment of malignant tumors).

With cytopathological diagnostics, cells from organs, body cavities and body fluids are harvested using swabs, sedimentation or needle biopsy and then examined. The main goals are detection and early diagnosis of malignant disease.

An autopsy is also a medical diagnostic activity through which the clinical diagnosis can be checked or confirmed and the efficiency of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is estimated.

Diagnostik Pathologie

Our annual output

  • 100,000 histological specimens
  • 20,000 cytological specimens
  • 4,000 molecular analyses
  • 800 autopsies


Today many examinations must be completed with immunohistochemical procedures and the additional use of methods of molecular pathology (biochemistry, molecular genetics).


Quality management

Tests conducted at the Diagnostic and Research Institute of Pathology and their evaluation by pathologists in the context of medical diagnosis serve as the basis for diagnostics and decisions about therapy and are also an integral component in the monitoring of therapy and disease progression.

The structure of the required processes from the perspective of IVD-VO 2017/746 and EN ISO 15189 enables top-level reporting.

Internal and external quality management measures guarantee that processes are conducted under standardized conditions, the professional development of staff is ongoing and test results are continuously monitored. The regular evaluation of key performance indicators significantly contributes to a constant improvement in quality. The aim is to achieve accreditation according to EN ISO 15189 as an independent confirmation of our efforts and competence.

Quality management

Gintare Siaulyte 
T: +43 316 385 71782