Diagnostik- & Forschungs- (D&F) Institut für Pathologie

Soft tissue and bone tumor diagnostics is a special field of pathology practiced by only a few pathologists in Austria due to the low incidence of these diseases. Rapid developments in the diagnosis of sarcomas (dynamic development of nomenclature, molecular pathology, establishment of new tumor entities, etc.) reflect the special challenges with which pathologists in this special field are confronted.

Labor Knochen- und Weichteiltumore

At the university reference pathology lab at the Diagnostic and Research Institute of Pathology, it is possible to integrate the most modern molecular diagnostics into the histopathological report, which is the basis for every planned tumor therapy.

Using optical microscope staining techniques, immunohistochemistry and molecular test methods (next-generation sequencing technology to detect mutations and fusions, fluorescence in situ hybridization), these tumors are diagnosed and classified according to the latest international guidelines by a group of specialists at the Diagnostic and Research Institute of Pathology. Through the close collaboration of specialists from different medical disciplines at the Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCC) – Sarcoma Subcenter of the Medical University of Graz, patients with these rare diseases receive care that meets the highest standards.

Focus of the working group:

  • Diagnostische Tätigkeit in Bereich der gesamten orthopädischen Pathologie mit Schwerpunkt Knochen- und Weichgewebstumoren.
  • Referenzzentrum für Knochentumoren (primäre Ansprechpartnerin - Research Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr.med.univ.et scient.med. Iva Brcic)
  • Referenzzentrum für Weichgewebstumoren 
  • Forschung Translationale Sarkompathologie

Medical division management

Bernadette Liegl-Atzwanger 
T: +43 316 385 71717

Consultation cases office

Renate Barbara Kerschbaumer 
T: +43 316 385 71770
Renate Kerschbaumer